Sergio Veleda
Psychocorporal therapist. Teacher and coordinator of the Therapeutic and Meditation Nuclei of the Valle del Ser school. Disciple and collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo in the SAT programme. He is the author of several books, among them "I only believe in a God who knows how to dance. An open vision of Sufism".
Mar Sorolla
Psychologist (UOC) Col.: 33594. Gestalt Psychotherapist (Institut Integratiu). Integrative Body Therapist (Espai TCI). Trained in the SAT Programme of Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram (Claudio Naranjo Foundation). Doula and early childhood companion (Espai Mima'm). Trained in Hatha & Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (RYT 200). Vital links with Sérgio Veleda and Evânia Reichert (Espai TCI). Continuous training in dance and performance techniques.
Berta Clotet
Psychologist (UAB) - Col.: 17941. General Health Psychologist. Systemic Family Therapist (FEATF), member of the Catalan Society of Family Therapy. Specialised in Integrative Body Therapy (Espai TCI) and Child Gestalt. Trained in Cognitive Body Integration Method (Carmen Cordero), Birth Spaces (Cherif Chalakani) and In the Heart of Trauma (Jesus Oliva). Member of the assisting team In the Heart of Trauma. Expert in social intervention with more than 20 years of experience. Psychotherapeutic accompaniment for adolescents, young people, adults, couples and families.
Cristina Ribera Casal
Psychologist (UAB). Col.: 24545. Gestalt Psychotherapist (Cercle Gestalt). Integrative Body Therapist (Espai TCI). Trained in the SAT Program of Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram (Claudio Naranjo Foundation). Postgraduate in Body and Art (ALAS. Arts in movement). Psychomorphology with Sérgio Veleda and Evânia Reichert (Espai TCI). Continuous training in Psychoanalysis (UMBRAL and others).
Jasmin Lago
Emotional Intelligence (Eduard Punset). Stanislavsky Method. Theatre Lab. Acting direction. Psychodrama. Ontological Coaching. Art therapy. Mindfulness. Gestalt. Integrative Body Therapy. Sexuality. Asiri Methodology. Enneagram C.Naranjo. Authentic movement. Somatic experiencing (in progress).
Dr. Antoni Aguilar Chastellain
Graduate in medicine and surgery. Gestalt and integrative body therapist. Transpersonal psychotherapist (Eurotas). Vipassana meditation instructor. Disciple and collaborator of Claudio Naranjo, teacher of the SAT programme. Specialist in Brief Strategic Therapy (TBE). Founder and Director of the Transpersonal Integrative Training (FTI) endorsed by Claudio Naranjo and of the Integrative Sexuality Training (FSI).
Genisa Prats
Pedagogue. Specialised in functional diversity, community and intercultural mediation.
Trained in Integrative Body Therapy TCI. Nascent spaces: a pedagogy for change (Cherif Chalakani). Therapeutic massage (Montserrat de Pablo Ciria).
Cristina Motilla
Accompaniment in individual and couple therapy. Integrative Body Therapy (TCI)
Gestalt therapy. Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram in Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT programme (in process). Training in Trauma Therapy (In the Heart of Trauma).
Adherent member of A.E.T.G.
Gastón Arzuaga Font
Osteopath and Pilates teacher. Trained in Chiromassage at the Olesma Massage School and in Sports Massage at the Estena School of Natural Techniques.
Imma Alemany Ayats
Graduated in Social Education, she is a Gestalt and Integrative Body Therapist. She specialises in people with disabilities.
Ana Lía Martínez
Gestalt Psychotherapist. Teacher in Integrative Body Therapy specialising in Manual Therapies and Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
She is also a Facilitator in Energy Centres.
Degree in Veterinary Medicine.
Paco León
Gestalt therapist. Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme of
Claudio Naranjo. Member of the Microdosis team of Cercle Transpersonal.
Cecilia Simón Huespe
Family and Systemic Counsellor, Integrative Transpersonal Therapist, Gestalt Therapist, Body Therapy, Coach, Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), and Training in Social Psychology by Pichón Rivière. She has training in the Claudio Naranjo SAT Programme, Intuition and Energy, Insight Workshops, Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, and Master in Marketing & Management.
Manel Pladevall
Medical doctor, specialised in internal medicine and epidemiologist. Trained in Gestalt Therapy, Integrative Body Therapy and Claudio Naranjo's SAT programme. Member of the transpersonal group programme team. Regular practitioner of authentic movement and meditation.
Berta Fernández Falguera
Integrative Body and Gestalt Therapist, she is trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme. She has a degree in Psychopedagogy and a diploma in Social Education.
Mario Sanchez
Body Therapist, Pedagogical Director and teacher in Integrative Sexuality Training. Sex therapist, Postgraduate in "Shiatsu i Moviment" (Escola de Shiatsu i Moviment de Barcelona). Trained in Somatic Sexuality (Instituto Cuerpo y Sexualidad), Sexological Bodywork (Sexological Body Work España) and Sexual Tao and Ericksonian Hypnosis (Escuela Milton Erickson de Madrid). Clinical Hypnosis (Media Hypnosis Barcelona). Abhianga Yoga (Trainer and Therapist).
Gabriel Fernandez
D. from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, in the field of transformative studies and consciousness, as well as in transpersonal theories. Graduate in Philosophy and Industrial Engineering. Transpersonal psychotherapist certified by EUROTAS, and Gestalt therapist, adherent member of the AETG. Lecturer at the UIC.
Neus Margalló
Training in Integrative Body Therapy (TCI). Gestalt Therapy. Integrative Transpersonal Therapy. Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram in Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT programme. Clown Path with Alain Vigneau. Brainspotting (in progress). Economist and Sociologist.
Jaume Calafat
Integrative Body Therapist trained in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme. Her training includes Family Constellations by José Miguel Dóniz, Psychomorphology with Sérgio Veleda and Evânia Reichert (Espai TCI), Trauma Therapy, Brainspotting and Energetic Techniques such as Reiki.
J. Guillermo Mazariegos Lorenzo
Training in Integrative Body Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Body Post-graduate "Nascent Spaces" with Cherif Chalakani, Respiratory Psychotherapy, Psychomorphology, body intervention, Integrative Psychotherapy SAT programme with Claudio Naranjo, and Hoffman Process.
Mercè Falcó
Gestalt Therapist. Member of AETG and Integrative Transpersonal Therapist. Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram, Family Constellations and Systemic-Relational Therapy. Expressive Movement Rio Abierto System. Graduate in History UB and Philology UB. Poetry and creative writing teacher. Literary Coaching
Nadia Gloria
Training in Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Body Therapy, Perinatal Psychology, Relational Systemic and Gestalt with Grazia Ceccini, Prevention of Neurosis in Childhood and Adolescence with Evania Reichert and Sergio Veleda, Body Therapies and is currently training in Family Constellations and Psychodance. She is also training in Integrative Psychotherapy in Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme.
Ana Clavería
Gestalt Counsellor, Full Member (AETG). Integrative Body Therapist (TCI). Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme. Degree in Hispanic Philology.
Carolina Coll Huertas
Integrative and Gestalt Body Therapist, with a postgraduate degree in Gestalt Applied to Childhood and Adolescence. Trained in Integrative Sexuality, Enneatype Psychology (Claudio Naranjo), Family Constellations, Energy Eating and Level I Reiki.
Social Educator and Graduate in Educational Sciences and is a mother.
Rocío Burgos Smitas
Gestalt, Transpersonal and Integrative Body Therapist. Specialist in Prevention of Neurosis in Childhood. She has training in Systemic Therapy, Therapeutic Theatre, Expressive Therapy and Psychocorporal Techniques, and in Trauma Approach.
Aina Cortès Apolinar
Gestalt and Integrative Body Therapist (TCI), trained in Enneatype Psychology from Caludio Naranjo's SAT Programme. She has a Psychocorporal Specialization with Cheriff Chalakani, Specialization in Feminine Sexuality. Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing. Diploma in Teaching and Culture of Peace.
Alejandro Pérez Cueto
Gestalt and Integrative Body Therapist, with training in Integrative Sexuality and Enneatype Psychology through Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme. Promoter of Men in Movement in Mallorca, specialising in accompanying LGTBI+ people. Graduate in Social Education with a Postgraduate Degree in Management and Administration of Non-Profit Organisations and Social Economy Entities.
Diego Bartholomew
Integrative Body Therapist and Gestalt (adherent member of the AETG), Teacher in body schools in Mexico, I Ching Consultant. Former consultant in organisation and information systems for industrial companies.
Gabriela Fabón Arecchi
Gestalt and Integrative Body Therapist, with training in the Heart of Trauma, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Tapping-EFT and Andean Shamanism. She is currently training in Enneatype Psychology (Claudio Naranjo SAT Programme). She is a member of the AETG and has been working as a therapist since 2012, specialising in Gestalt Body. Individual and Group Therapist and Trainer in Cercle de Consciencia. Lover of Nature, vital pleasures and the exploration of Consciousness.
Maribel Puig Gorina
Training in Integrative Body Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Transpersonal Therapy. She has been trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in the Sat Program of Dr. Claudio Naranjo and Post Graduate in "Prevention of Neurosis" with Evania Reichter and Sergio Veleda. She has also been trained in "Family, Shamanic and Spirit Constellations" with Jose Miguel Dóniz.
Helena Sagristà Jubany
Social Educator and Integrative Body Therapist and Integrative Gestalt. Training in Integrative Psychotherapy in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme, Psychocorporal Postgraduate with Cherif Chalakani and Postgraduate in Neurosis Prevention with Evania Reichert. Trained in Psychomorphology with Sergio Veleda.
Manuel Muñoz
Gestalt and integrative body therapist. Inner Sound" music therapist and designer of ambience and sound therapy. Trained in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme. Trained in Unitary Reiki of Sound and Colour. Graduate in Anthropology.
Palma López Clavijo
Nurse, Gestalt Therapist and Integrative Body Therapist, with training in Integrative Psychotherapy in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme, Psychomorphology with Sérgio Veleda and Evânia Reichert. Member and Coordinator of the Health Commission of the AETG, Diploma in Naturopathy, Bach Flower Practitioner and Reiki Master.
Jesús Oliva Chaves
Teacher and Tutor in the training of Integrative Body Therapy. Creator and Director of the training "In the Heart of Trauma". His training covers different specialities of bodywork and somatic listening, including Cranial Sacral Biodynamics, Perinatal, Shiatsu, Kinesiology and Gestalt. Diploma in Occupational Therapy.
Antonio Campaña
Actor. Theatrical Direction, Gestalt Therapist, Conscious & Emotional Coach. Psychodrama. Teacher of Theatre, Dramatic Theatre and Therapeutic Theatre. Transpersonal and Integrative Psychotherapy (SAT). Teacher in Workshops of Body Theatre, Gestalt Therapy, Expressive Arts. Bilingual Spanish - German.
Raul Andreu Chaussinand
Therapist in Bioenergetic Analysis and Integrative Body Therapy, Graduate in Traditional Chinese Medicine, trained in Tantra and Taoist Sexuality.
Training in Psychomorphology by Sergio Veleda and Evania Reichert, studies in the Pathwork Method, Craniosacral and Somato-emotional, 4 Cycles Method (Integrative, Corporal and Spiritual Healing) and studies in Syntergetics by Dr. Jorge Carvajal.
Irene forza
Therapist at the Gestalt Institute Trieste and systemic therapist trained in Clinical Sexology at AISC Rome. Trained at the Vanvitelli University of Naples for pelvic floor rehabilitation; other trainings with Coufriez, De Gasquet, Bourdiol-Bortolin. Trained in integrative sexuality at Cercle Conscience, student of Daniel Odier, Tantra. Disciple of Claudio Naranjo. She works with couples, and collaborates with the programme "encuentros de Familias".
Paula Blasco
Integrative Body Therapist (Espai TCI). Gestalt Therapist (Cercle Gestalt). Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme, Trauma Therapy (Heart of Trauma) and Prevention and identification of ASI (Vicki Bernadet Foundation). Graduate in Biomedical Sciences (UB). Trained in Psychology (UOC). General Coordinator of Cercle de Consciència.
Carme Ramis
Integrative Body Therapist (Espai TCI), Integrative Transpersonal Therapist (in training), trained in Channeling and Mediumship, Reiki, Psychological Astrology and Evolutionary Tarot. Initiated in Integrative Psychotherapy in Claudio Naranjo's SAT programme.
Maria Saura León
Pedagogical Director of Espai TCI
Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Body and Gestalt therapist. Trained in integrative psychotherapy in Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT programme. Psychocorporal postgraduate course with Cherif Chalakani. Postgraduate course "Prevention of neurosis" with Evânia Reichert and Sérgio Veleda.
Montse Coll Avellana
With a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the UAB, she is a Gestalt Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Gestalt Didactic Trainer. She is trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT Programme directed by Claudio Naranjo. Practitioner in NLP, she is trained in Integrative Body Therapy by Antonio Pacheco.
Rosa Picazo
Graduate in Medicine and Surgery, specialist in Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation.
Gestalt Therapist and TCI. Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme of
Claudio Naranjo. Certification for Professionals in Ayahuasca Microdoses by Microhuasca.
Mathieu Marchand
Trained as a Gestalt therapist. Member of the AETG and has been a practising therapist since 2017, specialising in the development of personal relationships, couples and sexuality. He combines an attitude of genuine curiosity and warmth towards people, with a broad and comprehensive view of human beings and their emotional and spiritual development.
Loelia Campos
Mother. Gestalt, Psychocorporal and Transpersonal Therapist. Trained in Neurosis Prevention, character building and psychocorporal approach with Evânia Reichert and Sergio Veleda. Diploma in Polyvagal Theory, regulation of the nervous system, with Deb Dana and Enrique Arellano.
Frederic Borja
Gestalt therapist, member of the AETG. Individual therapy. Therapy with expatriates. Couples therapy. English, French, Italian, Catalan and Spanish. Trained in Systemic Relational Therapy, Transpersonal Therapy and Integrative Body Therapy. Collaborator of Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme, Integrative Psychotherapy and Enneagram.
Graduate in International Relations. Master's Degree in International Conflict Mediation and International Economics.
Lolique Lorente
Clinical psychologist. Master in Family Therapy. Postgraduate in Psychoanalysis and Psychocorporal Therapy. Hypnotherapist; Psychocorporal Therapist. Holistic Transpersonal Therapist. Gestalt Psychotherapist. Somatic educator. Training in Authentic Movement, Body Mind Movement and Relationship Restructuring. Director of the Claudio Naranjo Gestalt Viva School. Disciple and collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo.
Iñaki Zapirain
Clinical Psychologist. Graduate in Philosophy. Gestalt Psychotherapist. Training in Relaxation and Hypnosis Techniques (Self-regulation Hypnosis and Ericksonian Hypnosis). Training in Systemic Therapy and Family Constellations. Disciple and collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo. Member, Supervisor and Didactic (AETG).
José Luis Pérez
Psychologist Col.: 8177. Trained in Biogestalt and Group Dynamics. Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy. Didactic Member and Supervisor (AETG). Dr. Claudio Naranjo's Programme (SAT). Teacher and Supervisor for the FEAP.
Monica Angulo
Gestalt Counsellor. Supervising Member (AETG). Trained in Gestalt Accompanying Dynamics. Full Member (AETG). Integrative Body Therapist (TCI). Systemic Coach. Postgraduate in Humanistic Coaching. Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Degree in Law.
Alba Yagüe
Gestalt Counsellor. Supervising Member (AETG). Trained in Group Dynamics, Group Conduction and Emotional Facilitation. Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT Programme.
Carles Riera
Sociologist with gestalt training, full member of the AETG. Personal accompaniment.
Sonia Kalas
Master's degree in sexology, sex and couple therapist and master's degree in psychobiology and cognitive neuroscience. Sexologist, she carries out her project "Sensory Sexology", where she works on sexuality and eroticism from the point of view of the body and neuroscience. Author of the book "Mamboo", sex education for children. She has been practising shibari for 17 years, she is a shibari performance artist, with an international company. For the last 6 years she has been incorporating shibari in therapy and has developed a methodology to use the ropes in a therapeutic process.
Charo Ricart
Medical doctor, master's degree in sexology and couples therapy and woman with functional diversity.
President of the Asociación Sexualidad Funcional. A doctor with more than 20 years' experience, specialising in the sexual development of people with functional diversity. She gives training courses, awareness-raising talks and has a consultation for the accompaniment and support of people with any type of disability and their families.
Body therapist specialising in Somatic Sexuality. Integrative massage. TAO. Psychocorporal armouring. Master Holistic Sexuality. Codependence and Emotional Consciousness. Creator of the programme "Body Pleasure" and "conscious sexual health".
Sore Vega
Psychologist, activist Doctor of the Person and Society in the Contemporary World Programme of the Department of Social Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the UAB; Degree in Psychology from the UAB; Master in Cognitive-Social Therapy from the UB; Postgraduate in Brief Strategic Therapy; Master in Coaching and NLP from the Gestalt Institute of Barcelona. Specialisation in therapeutic accompaniment for trans* and non-binary people with non-normative identities and sexualities from a markedly integrative and trans-positive-queer perspective. Psychotherapist in private practice and trainer in trans and non-binary issues.
Paula Alcaide
Specialist in lesbian and bisexual affirmative psychology, LGBTI consultant and trainer in diversity and inclusion. Bachelor in Psychology, Master in Psychotherapy, Master in Gender, Women and Citizenship Studies (Interuniversity Master). Postgraduate in Strategic Psychotherapy, Couple Therapy and Integrative Therapy. Psychologist specialising in the Institute of Sexuality and Couple Studies. Lecturer in various Masters and Postgraduate courses on Sexual Diversity.
Sandra Bravo
Journalist, Gestalt therapist and non-monogamous activist. I have been exploring the universe of non-monogamous relationships and sex-affective diversity for nearly 15 years, as well as doing activism and outreach.
Valérie Tasso
Writer (10 books published since 2003. Sexologist, specialist in sex therapy and couple therapy. No 487 of the AEPS (State Association of Sexology Professionals) Researcher for INCISEX (University of Alcalá de Henares). Collaborator in the media. Lecturer / teacher at universities
Arola Poch
Psychologist and sexologist. Graduate in Audiovisual Communication. Author of the sex education book for young people "Las cosas claras" (Plataforma editorial, 2019). She gives talks and workshops on sex education for young people and adults. She also works in the media on healthy and diverse sexuality. And she has a sexology and couples therapy practice.
Eliana d'Alessandro
Psychologist, Yoga Instructor, Sexologist, Ayurveda Therapist, Jungian Analyst in training.
Brigitte Martel
Psychotherapist in Gestalt therapy, sex therapist and deputy director of the Parisian School of Gestalt (EPG). She has a degree in mathematics, educational sciences and adult education. The psychotherapist accompanies adults in individual, couple and group sessions in institutions in the 14th arrondissement of Paris in the Ile-de-France region. She is a supervisor and didactician at the CEP. She is the author of the book "Sexualité Amour et Gestalt" (Interéditions 2nd edition 2007). For 20 years, she has been supervising groups and training professionals in sexuality, in France and abroad.
Claudia Kösler
Psychosexologist, sex-affective relationships therapist. Specialised in personal and erotic growth. Specialist in trauma reprocessing. Facilitator of workshops on Sexualities (Mindfulsex) and personal growth.
Sue Newsome
Counsellor, therapist and sex therapist with twenty years of experience working in this field and with studies in the Eastern traditions of sacred sexuality. Member of the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists. Advanced Diploma in Couples Therapy from the NAOS Institute. In 2008, I developed my practice to work with people with physical disabilities supporting them to find their sexual expression. Active member of the Sexual Health and Disability Alliance (SHADA).
Ignasi Puig
Psychologist, sexologist and couple therapist. He has a degree in psychology. Degree in environmental sciences. Master's degree in clinical sexology and reproductive health. Master's degree in sociology research. Postgraduate in sexual and affective education. Postgraduate in couple therapy. Currently a doctoral student in sociology. Therapist specialising in alternative sexualities and non-conventional affective relationships. Disseminator in sexualities in Catalunya Ràdio, TV3, Cadena Ser, la Vanguardia, el País, Ràdio4.
Nuria Costa
Degree in Sociology and Social and Cultural Anthropology from the UB. Diploma in Social Education from the UB. Therapist with training in Integrative Body Therapy, Sexological Bodywork, Gestalt and Enneatype Psychology (SAT Programme). Master's Degree in Sexology and Sex Education from the University of Huelva.
Nicolas Dumont
Clinical psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist and shamanic practitioner. He is a trainer in transpersonal psychotherapy, holotropic breathing and transpersonal Ericksonian hypnosis. Former president of Ceshum, the Transpersonal School of France, together with Bernadette Blin. He is specialised in the accompaniment of extraordinary experiences, having worked for 6 years at INREE (Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences). He created an association specifically dedicated to the support of abductees and has published a book on the subject.
Vicente Merlo
Doctor of Philosophy. Lived several years in India (Pondicherry, Auroville). Co-founder of the Spanish Transpersonal Association and the Society of Indian and Oriental Studies.
Author of several books on transpersonal themes, including "Transreligious Spirituality".
Catalina Lladó
Actress, teacher and theatre director. She taught for 14 years at the International Studio for the actor Juan Carlos Corazza. Trained in Gestalt Therapy. Creator and director of "Teatro para Interesados". Director of "Theatre for Concord".
Disciple and collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo in the SAT programme.
Evania Reichert
Psychocorporal therapist, writer and researcher on childhood and character formation. Expert in neurosis prevention. Creator of the Valle del Ser school.
Disciple and collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo in the SAT programme. Author of several books, among them "Infancia, la edad sagrada.
Albert Rams
Psychotherapist and trainer/supervising therapists, Honorary Member of the AETG. He was the first Spaniard to give Gestalt training in Barcelona, and one of the first in Spain. Disciple of Guillermo Borja (Memo) and Claudio Naranjo, with whom he collaborated in the first SAT ́s in the nineties. Author of several books, among them "Gestalt and Attention: Presence and spirituality in the therapeutic experience.
Alain Vigneau
Creator of the company La Stravagante (France/Spain), he has been working in professional theatre for more than 20 years. With the NGO "Clowns without Borders" he has performed in many countries. Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme of Dr. Claudio Naranjo, he is a collaborator of the latter in SAT programmes in Spain, Mexico, Germany, France and Brazil.
Ginetta Pacella
Psychologist. Gestalt and body therapist. Disciple and collaborator of Claudio Naranjo for 25 years.
Therapist of the SAT programme, in which she collaborates in various countries (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Italy...).
Grazia Cecchini
Psychologist and psychotherapist specialising in Gestalt therapy and systemic-relational therapy.
President of the ATMOS Training Centre, Italy. Disciple and collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo in the SAT programme. Teacher at the Scuola Romana di Terapia Familiare.
Octavio Garcia
Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and integrative psychotherapist. Master in Psychotherapy
Group Analytical.
Teaching member of GRADIVA. Founding member of ATRE, Transpersonal Association.
Spanish. Meditation teacher trained with Dhiravamsa in Psychospiritual Synthesis and Master of Integral Therapy.
Bernadette Blin
Graduate in social and clinical psychology, transpersonal, Gestalt and bioenergetic therapist. Certified in Grof Transpersonal Training. Creator of the Aquanima therapy. President of EUROTAS (European Transpersonal Association) and member of ITA (Transpersonal Association). Author of several books, including "Manuel de psychothérapie transpersonnelle".
Cherif Chalakani
Transpersonal and psychocorporal therapist who combines movement, breathing and attention in a transpersonal approach: "Birth Spaces", about being born and dying with gentleness, about the art of change. Trained in Mathematics. Collaborator of Dr. Claudio Naranjo since the beginning of the SAT programme.
Jorge Ferrer
D. in Psychology and for more than 25 years a full professor in the East-West Psychology Department of the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco.
Author of numerous articles and books on spirituality and the transpersonal approach.
Main proponent of the participatory paradigm. Member of the research group at the Esalen Center for Theory and Research, Big Sur (California, USA).
Rai Crespí Ripoll
Trainer, Graduate in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Gestalt Therapist, Integrative Body Therapist (TCI), Systemic (Family Constellations), Codependency and in training in Trauma (Somatic Experiecing by Peter Levine). Claudio Naranjo's SAT Process. Specialist in Gender and Masculinities. Director of EntreHomes.