The body, a place to return to

The body, a place to return to

From the corporal approach, we strengthen our capacity for self-support in life. Through Integrative Body Therapy (IBT), we seek to recover the inner resources that allow us to feel the body as a place of support and security. When we lose this capacity, we often rely on external supports. At the conference, we explore the tools that TCI offers to restore this sense of self-sufficiency and inner well-being.

"The body, a place to come back to" was the central theme of the conference, which addressed how Integrative Body Therapy can strengthen the capacity for self-support. The importance of reconnecting with the body as a safe and supportive place, especially when facing emotional and physical challenges, was discussed. ICBT provides tools for people to regain a sense of internal support, reducing dependence on external factors to maintain emotional balance.

Moderated by Mariela Crespo, coordinator of the Integrative Body Therapy (IBT) training, the session was attended by leading experts:

  • María Saura - Pedagogical director, body therapist and TCI teacher.
  • Cristina Ribera - Psychologist, body therapist and TCI teacher.
  • Helena Sagristà - Body therapist and TCI teacher.
  • Raúl Andreu - Body therapist and TCI teacher.
  • Jaume Calafat - Body therapist and TCI teacher.

If you were unable to attend or would like to review the concepts discussed, here is the recorded lecture:

At Cercle de Consciència, we are committed to disseminating knowledge that fosters personal growth and offers a deeper and more meaningful vision of life. In our conferences, we seek to provide practical tools and perspectives that support the integral development of people.

If you found the conference interesting and would like to learn more about the subject of the body, we invite you to get to know the full programme of the TCI training.