Gestalt Therapy
Stop suffering: what do you do with what is happening to you?
"The important thing is not what happens to you in life, but how you react to it".
What is Gestalt therapy?
It is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims at personal fulfilment; it is centred on the present and on realising how each person, from his or her life experience, perceives and experiences reality with a certain perspective. Gestalt Therapy focuses on the expansion of consciousness, on giving the person a greater knowledge of themselves, both mentally, emotionally and physically. It helps you to recognise your internal dialogue, your introjects and limiting beliefs, to be aware of how you take the things that happen to you, which are the defensive patterns that are repeated and block your growth; and once known, you can decide how to transform them, to connect with your strengths and thus achieve greater vital well-being.
When is Gestalt therapy recommended?
When you are going through a challenging time in your life.... If you often feel anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, or negative anticipatory thoughts.... When you are aware that your self-esteem is low. ... Or you experience difficulties in decision making, fears or insecurity... When you feel sad, unmotivated, or depressed... If you want to feel better about yourself, treat yourself better... When you find yourself stuck or blocked in a situation or relationship, both personal and professional... If you experience conflict in your relationship... If you are experiencing conflict in your relationship...
When you realise that your head is racing, you don't rest, you have insomnia... If you want to improve your social skills and your relationships.
What are the benefits of doing Gestalt therapy?
Gestalt Therapy encourages and promotes your personal growth. It helps you to know yourself better, to connect with what you think, feel and experience. It allows you to resolve internal conflicts and identify your blockages, which will help you to make more conscious and effective decisions. It also improves your emotional management, increases your self-esteem, and your ability to handle stress, facilitating greater well-being within yourself and in your relationships.

Where to do Integrative Gestalt Therapy?
Gestalt therapy helps you discover new perspectives with which to face your life challenges. We have a team of highly qualified professionals with a solid therapeutic background.
You can do integrative gestalt therapy in our centres in Barcelona, Ibiza, Tarragona and Mallorca.
Request a session of Integrative Gestalt therapy
If you are going through challenging situations in your life, remember that you don't have to go through them alone, request online an appointment with one of our therapists to schedule a session.