TCI Ibiza Monitoring Group

The TCI Supervision group is aimed at students and alumni of the Integrative Body Therapy training. Its objective is the acquisition of clinical practice in both individual and group TCI therapy. Supervised sessions will be held, the contents that the new therapist needs for the maturation of their therapeutic style will be discussed and the cases that the TCI therapist presents will be worked on.
Whether you are already practising as a therapist or not, it is a rich space to continue working and seeing yourself in the accompaniment of Integrative Bodywork Therapy. This group is open to 3rd year students of Integrative Body Therapy training as part of the requirements in terms of supervision hours for obtaining the school's qualification, which gives access, to those who require it, to the FEDINE qualification (Spanish Polytechnic Federation of Diplomates).

The space will also be open to individual supervision sessions for TCI therapists who need individualised accompaniment of their therapeutic work. Led by Toni Aguilar and Raúl Andreu.

Price: 80€/month

Prior registration is essential.

Imparts: Raúl Andreu  


One Monday a month from 16h to 20h.

2 October 2023
6 November 2023
11 December 21023
15 January 2024
19 February 2024
11 March 2024
22 April 2024
20 May 2024

 More information and registration616 703 943 - (Raúl Andreu)


Oct 14 2024




Regular workshop


Ibiza, Spain


Espai TCI
Espai TCI


  • Toni Aguilar
    Toni Aguilar

    Graduate in medicine and surgery. Gestalt Psychotherapist, Integrative Transpersonal (EUROTAS Certified) and Integrative Body Therapy (TCI). Specialist in Brief Strategic Therapy (BST). Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Vipassana Instructor. Collaborator and disciple of Claudio Naranjo.

  • Raúl Andreu
    Raúl Andreu
    Body therapist and TCI teacher.

    Therapist in Bioenergetic Analysis and Integrative Body Therapy, Graduate in Traditional Chinese Medicine, trained in Tantra and Taoist Sexuality.
    Training in Psychomorphology by Sergio Veleda and Evania Reichert, studies in the Pathwork Method, Craniosacral and Somato-emotional, 4 Cycles Method (Integrative, Corporal and Spiritual Healing) and studies in Syntergetics by Dr. Jorge Carvajal.