Integrative Gestalt

Integrative Gestalt

Barcelona - Ibiza

From Cercle Gestalt, we propose a training in Accompaniment and Gestalt Techniques (Gestalt Therapy) endorsed by the AETG (Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy) presenting a new programme aimed at enhancing the values of Claudio Naranjo's legacy with the approach of a living Gestalt, cultivating both consciousness and relationships and their social involvement. It also promotes community values, which are so necessary in the current social crisis.

We offer a programme focused in two directions. One, more oriented to the self-knowledge and exploration of the inner worldThis allows us to deepen our capacity to know ourselves in terms of our potential and values as well as our challenges and shadows. And the other, oriented towards learning accompanying strategies and techniques gestalt, which enable the person to provide care in both the professional and personal spheres.

We transmit the gestalt attitude from the cultivation of humanity, advocating a methodology that combines a clinical and human perspective.

We promote and work on existential competences The main themes proposed by Claudio Naranjo, which have to do with forms of love, self-knowledge and the capacity for detachment as relevant aspects that promote the transformation of the human being.

In our school we deepen in the basic pillars of living Gestalt, present throughout the training and we put special focus and interest in developing the corporal, transpersonal and theatrical approach as in its beginnings, as well as the application of Gestalt principles in social environments.

Many of them have been part of the origin of Gestalt in Spain and all of them are collaborators and transmitters of the knowledge and the original Claudian way.

The three pillars of Gestalt training:

  1. Here and now: the importance of being attentive to the present.
  2. Realise: the attitude of being aware in our reality.
  3. Responsibility: the ability to act in relation to our needs.

Who is the Integrative Gestalt Training for?

Our training is aimed at education and health professionals, students working in any field of clinical, social, educational and/or communication care, as well as people who are interested in deepening their personal development process and social change.

Methodology Gestalt

The Gestalt Training lasts three years (Basic course, Advanced course and Supervision course). Each course is made up of 8 workshops that are given in weekend format (from Friday to Sunday) and two residential workshops per course (4 days long, from Thursday noon to Sunday). In addition, there is an online follow-up after each workshop monitored by the tutoring team with the intention of attending to group and individual emergencies that may have arisen and to continue cultivating group cohesion.

Complete Gestalt Syllabus

  • The 3 Pillars of Gestalt.
  • Learning to perceive.
  • The parts and the whole. The gestalt puzzle.
  • Tracking the vital impulse. The world of needs.
  • Unveiling self-deception.
  • The body I inhabit.
  • Gestalt, body and art.
  • Dreaded Scenes.
  • Unveiling the dream message.
  • Apollo and Dionysos.
  • Existential Competences
  • Instinct, Power and Relationship.
  • Transference and Countertransference.
  • Supervision.
  • Final Dynamics.
  • Group dynamics.

Residential Integrative Gestalt Training

Residential workshops are essential to training, providing an immersive environment that enhances learning in a deeper and more comprehensive way. These experiences offer unique opportunities for deeper understanding and cultivate meaningful connections, enriching training in a holistic way, strengthening group cohesion and fostering personal development.

Residential Parental Figures. "the matrices of human relationship".

Identify and understand how we learned to bond in childhood. Recognise the wounds experienced at this stage and work on repairing them in order to be able to live the relationships of the present moment in a fuller and more conscious way.

Psychopathology Residential Centre

Knowing the different body structures and the personality associated with each one, as well as the evolutionary stages in which they are generated. Taking the reference of authors such as Wilhelm Reich and Evânia Reichert.

Sexuality Residential

Deconditioning the experience of sexuality from the patriarchal gaze, questioning learned introjects and discovering how we link ourselves to pleasure.
To recover the innate and natural erotic capacity of human beings by integrating it into everyday life.

Training Accompaniment Integrative Gestalt

A tutoring team made up of a tutor and two mentors will accompany the entire learning process and evolution of the students, providing support and attending to any needs that may arise during the training and throughout the three years.

The importance of group work in Gestalt

For Claudio Naranjo, the gestalt approach emphasises therapy in relationship and of relationships. The group and the group as a whole therefore become a favourable and necessary framework for the therapeutic process and for training, being also a useful laboratory to reach a better awareness and an improvement of our links. It can also improve our ability to build community and to participate in it with personal and collective responsibility. Following the African wisdom of Ubuntu, "I am because we are", we are made in community, in it we learn, and cooperation and mutual help sustain us, make us grow reciprocally. Solidarity heals.
On the other hand, the social determinants of mental health show that improving the material conditions of people's lives, ecological balance and a healthy community will have a favourable influence on personal and collective mental health.

Our experience allows us to assure that group work is a basic pillar of Gestalt training. The experiential, the lived experience of the work, is the best and most direct way to integrate the information we transmit. During the 3 years of training, deep bonds are established.

At Cercle Gestalt we attach great importance to the treatment, care and how we feel in the group, that is to say: the TRUST, the WARMTH of the atmosphere in which we work. In order to deepen our understanding of ourselves, of others and of the bonds we establish, it is essential to create a space of respect and confidentiality.

Integrative Gestalt Training Team

We are a team of people committed to individual and collective transformation. Highly qualified professionals with years of experience, with a revolutionary view of Gestalt and a desire to give this training a renewed approach that addresses the transpersonal, expressive-theatrical, corporal, clinical and social elements.

Dr. Antoni Aguilar Chastellain
Director of Cercle de Consciència and Cercle Gestalt.

Graduate in medicine and surgery. Gestalt Psychotherapist. Integrative Body Therapist (TCI). Director of Transpersonal Integrative Training (EUROTAS Certified). Specialist in Brief Strategic Therapy (BST), Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Vipassana Instructor. Disciple and collaborator in Dr. Claudio Naranjo's team.

Montse Coll
Pedagogical director and head of the Integrative Gestalt training.

Degree in Medicine and Surgery (UAB). Gestalt Psychotherapist. Didactic and Supervising Member (AETG). Integrative Body Therapist (TCI). Dr. Claudio Naranjo's Programme (SAT). NLP Practitioner

Integrative Gestalt Training Teachers

Cristina Ribera Casal

Palma López

Ana Clavería

Carles Riera

Alba Yagüe

Catalina Lladó


Monica Angulo

Lolique Lorente

Iñaki Zapirain

Ginetta Pacella

"Empower the values of Claudio Naranjo's legacy with a living and transformative Gestalt."

~Cercle de Consciència.

Diploma of accreditation IGF

At the end of the training and having fulfilled the commitments required throughout the 3 years of training, Cercle Gestalt issues a certificate certifying that the complete Gestalt training has been completed.

Additionally, and upon request, a diploma will be issued, endorsed by the Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy (A.E.T.G.), having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the same.

The Gestalt Training also gives you the opportunity to do an internship in the social area of the Cercle de Consciència.

Price and terms of payment

First course fee: 2.004 € 2.004 € | Tuition: 200 € 200


  20 % on the number plate: if it is made two months before the start of the course for an amount of 160 €.

  5 % discount: on the price of the training course if paid as a one-off payment before the start of the course.

Other advantages:

  Payment in instalments: you can pay in instalments, with our own funding.

Agreements and Collaborations:

  CEESC: 15% on the annual price for members and friends of CEESC for Catalonia.

  CEESIB: 15% on the annual price for members and friends of CEESIB, for the Balearic Islands.

  Social Area: own aid programme to people with limited financial resources.

  Alumni Programme: €0 registration fee, for people who have completed other training courses in the last three years.

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    Find out real opinions about the TGI training

    Read testimonials from people who have gone through our Integrative Gestalt Therapy Training. All opinions have been collected from our social networks or internal archives and can be verified.

    Gabriela G 

    The treasures I have found in the training: the people who have given me the chance to look at myself, to look at what is genuine, to listen to myself and to take responsibility for myself. Presence, sharing, not expecting anything in return, being able to take off my character without being judged without the incisive gaze.

    FGI student
    (opinion on Instagram)

    Aina C 

    What a break to let me see myself as I am! To let me see myself with my strength, with my pride, with my rage, with all that I was hiding in the back room.
    It gave me permission to be, to be me in all my facets and to feel seen, to feel loved with what I am, not with what I try to pretend to be.

    FGI student
    (opinion on Instagram)

    Daniela S

    Personally, I was very disconnected from myself. I lived with little awareness of my problems. When I approached Gestalt it meant a before and an after. The impact of what this training has meant has changed my life. It has revolutionised me internally.

    FGI student
    (opinion on Instagram)
