Training in
Body Therapy
Barcelona - Ibiza - Mallorca - Madrid - Lima
The Integrative Body Therapy is a system of self-knowledge and transformation that integrates the different aspects of the human being: mental, emotional, corporal and energetic. The approach is from the body. All unresolved experiences are recorded in the body in the form of muscular tensions. These tensions, which begin to The "muscular armour" that we create when we are children eventually becomes chronic and results in a "muscular armour" that determines the way we move, the way we are in the world and the way we contact others, i.e. our character. We work with the different characters by getting to know and accept ourselves, which leads to transformation.
Bodywork cultivates attention to the body and the breath, focusing on areas of blockage and relaxation.
The Integrative Body Therapy Training is completed in a cycle of three annual courses. Each course is structured with 9 annual works: 7 experiential workshops from Friday afternoon to Sunday noon, and 2 residential workshops in nature. With the completion of the workshops, the residential courses, 40 hours of individual therapy and 40 hours of group supervision, the student obtains a diploma as an Integrative Body Therapist.
Who is the TCI Training aimed at?
- People interested in their own process of self-knowledge and transformation.
- Professionals in health, education, human relations. Therapy and accompaniment, who want to complement their work and specialise in the corporal approach.
- Therapists who want to complement their work and specialise in bodywork.
What is the objective of the TCI training?
To enhance listening to the body and facilitate the organic processes of self-regulation that favour energetic balance and revitalise the person.
Knowing and working on tensions and body blockages, rooted in childhood, accompanying the emotions that emerge and facilitating the understanding, elaboration and integration of this content. Taking into account the particularities of each person.
Methodology TCI
The Training in Integrative Body Therapy combines tools from different disciplines and therapeutic schools, with a special emphasis on the body. The methodology is based on learning and deepening around 10 basic axes present throughout the training.
2. Breath work
3. Body characterology
4. Anatomy and massage
5. Sexuality
6. Expressive area
7. Meditation
8. Health and illness
9. Body and trauma
10. Monitoring
Full syllabus
- Basis of ICT
- Introduction to Reichian Therapy
- Character and muscular armour
- Masochistic character
- Schizoid character
- Oral nature
- Psychopathic character
- Rigid character
- Breath, emotion and body
- Basic needs
- Body and trauma
- PSI Massage
- Sexuality
- Body Reading
- Love and relationships
- Defence mechanisms
- Breath work
- Blame
- Constellations and the body
- Supervision I
- Supervision II
- TCI Techniques: Supervision III
- Therapist resources
- Gestalt and body
- Body tools and techniques
- Renaissance
- Ego and internal characters
- Final dynamics
Residential TCI
Thematic residentials are crucial to training, providing an immersive environment that complements theoretical learning. These experiences offer unique opportunities for deeper understanding and cultivate meaningful connections, enriching training in a holistic way, strengthening group cohesion and fostering personal development.
Sexuality Residential
We will dedicate the work to recover our erotic capacity. We will unblock the armour to be able to give ourselves to the experiences of pleasure. We will repair the wounds that lead us to block ourselves, so that we can naturalise pleasure and experience it with our whole body.
Residential Maternity and Paternity Repair Facility
A journey through the stages of development, where we generate a healthy environment that leads us to recover all the aspects that were interrupted. We thus reconnect with the capacities and potentialities that allow us to relate (to ourselves and to others). The environment) in a more conscious way, creating a more respectful way of mothering and fathering ourselves.
Residential on Death
We will work on the elaboration of the different duels that have been left pending, integrating impermanence as something daily that allows us a greater capacity to be and to be in the present. We will become aware of death in order to be able to give ourselves to life and celebrate it.
Training Accompaniment TCI
Each promotion has a structure of personalised attention in the form of the tutoring team (a tutor and two referents), who directly supervise the members of the course in terms of their needs and progress.
Around this training, Espai TCI also offers a whole range of associated activities, in the form of internships, talks and other courses that are complementary to the training and help the future professional to practice and acquire technical skills. Two outstanding examples of this are the Supervision Group and the Internship Group.
The importance of group work TCI
Our experience allows us to assure that group work is a basic pillar in TCI training. The experiential, the lived experience in the work, is the best and most direct way to integrate the information we transmit. In a group it is possible to recognise the other as someone different from me and as someone similar to me. During the three years of training, deep bonds are forged.
At TCI we attach great importance to how we treat, care for and feel in the group, i.e. the QUALITY of the atmosphere in which we work. In order to work on ourselves and others, it is essential to create a space of respect and confidentiality.

Espai TCI Team
We are a team of human professionals, close, interested in our own process and in that of the people we accompany, with a passion for transmitting an attitude, a way of life: living in contact with the body.

Dr. Antoni Aguilar Chastellain
Graduate in medicine and surgery. Gestalt Psychotherapist, Integrative Transpersonal (EUROTAS Certified) and Integrative Body Therapy (TCI). Specialist in Brief Strategic Therapy (BST). Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Vipassana Instructor. Collaborator and disciple of Claudio Naranjo.

María Saura León
Pedagogical Director of Espai TCI
Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Body and Gestalt therapist. Trained in integrative psychotherapy in Dr. Claudio Naranjo's SAT programme. Psychocorporal postgraduate course with Cherif Chalakani. Postgraduate course "Prevention of neurosis" with Evânia Reichert and Sérgio Veleda.
Teachers Espai TCI
Toni Aguilar
Aina Cortés
Alejandro Pérez
Ana Lía Martínez
Berta Fernández
Carolina Coll
Cecilia Simón
Cristina Ribera
Mar Sorolla
Paula blasco
Diego Bartholomew
Gabriela Fabón
Gastón Arzuaga
Guillermo Mazariegos
Helena Sagristà
Imma Alemany
Jaume Calafat
Jesus Oliva
Neus Margalló
Maria Saura
Maribel Puig
Montse Coll
Nadia Gloria
Palma López
Rai Crespí
Raúl Andreu
Rocio Burgos
Berta Clotet
"Every muscular stiffness contains the history and meaning of its origin".
~Wilhelm Reich.

Diploma of accreditation TCI
At the end of the training, a Diploma of accreditation from ESPAI TCI to each person who has fulfilled the required commitments throughout the three years of training. There is also the possibility of obtaining the title of FEDINE (Spanish Polytechnic Federation of Graduates) with a dissertation at the end of the training.
If the person does not need to obtain such qualifications, it is not necessary to complete the prescribed hours of supervision and individual therapy.
Price and terms of payment
First course fee: 2.304 € | Registration fee: 250 €.
20 % on the number plate: if it is made two months before the start of the course.
5 % discount: on the price of the training course if paid as a one-off payment before the start of the course.
Other advantages:
Payment in instalments: you can pay in instalments, with our own funding.
Agreements and Collaborations:
CEESC: 15% on the annual price for members and friends of CEESC for Catalonia.
CEESIB: 15% on the annual price for members and friends of CEESIB, for the Balearic Islands.
Social Area: own aid programme to people with limited financial resources.
Alumni Programme: €0 registration fee, for people who have completed other training courses in the last three years.
Request more information
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OVER 20.000
Find out real opinions about the TCI training
Read testimonials from people who have gone through our Integrative Bodywork Therapy training. All opinions have been collected from our social networks or internal archives and can be verified.

Meri B.
Three years of evolution, personal growth, a transcendent formation in my life.
Student of TCI Barcelona
(opinion on Google B.)

Carol A.
Very happy with the results, very hard too because you get in touch with things you don't want to see. The final result is very positive, a quite deep knowledge of who you are.
Student of TCI Mallorca
(opinion on Instagram)

I can loosen up and start to
to breathe safely, to feel calm, to recover this listening more to my needs, to stop protecting myself...
Student of TCI Barcelona
(opinion on Instagram)