Home Activities - Cercle de Consciència Constellations Regular workshop Systemic Integrative Constellations in Barcelona

Systemic Integrative Constellations in Barcelona

To live in the soul and in the world from a freer and fuller place.

Constellations are a powerful tool for personal and systemic healing and a great complement and energiser of therapeutic processes. They allow us to see what are the dynamics that sustain conflicts and open possible ways of solution.

We integrate the systemic and transgenerational look of Family Constellations with the Corporal, the Gestalt and the magic of the Transpersonal, to heal pending issues and open the capacity to say: Yes to Life! Aimed at all people who wish to have a freer, fuller and more harmonious life with themselves and their relationships, and at therapists (or future therapists) who wish to have a more holistic, systemic and transpersonal view of their clients.

Cecilia works with deep respect, passion and intuition, sowing seeds of awareness, clarity, acceptance, trust, self-esteem, love, mending bonds, and mobilisation towards the realisation of one's goals.

Dates Barcelona (Espai TCI - C/ Pau Alsina 35) : 
September S 28.
November S. 30
December Thursday.12

February S. 15
March S. 8
April S. 12
May S. 10
June S. 7


Participation: €40

Constellation 80€ 80 

👉 More information and registration:
Saturday: 10h to 14h and 16h to 20h
Thursday 18 to 22.30 hs
Cecilia Simón Hespe 657 47 53 37 - cecisimon@icloud.com


Apr 12 2025


10:00 - 20:00




Regular workshop


Espai TCI Barcelona
Carrer de Pau Alsina, 35 Gracia - Barcelona


Espai TCI
Espai TCI

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