Training in Integrative Sexuality

Training in Integrative Sexuality

Barcelona - Mallorca - Madrid

The Training in Integrative Sexuality (FSI) proposes, from a multidisciplinary and integrative approach, an exploratory and therapeutic look at all areas of sexuality, in its theoretical and experiential aspects, with special attention to essential territories such as intimacy, desire, taboos, defence mechanisms, sexual repression, bioenergetics and the understanding of sexual diversity, both as factors of social transformation and as a way of broadening awareness.

FSI is an integral therapeutic training accompanied by an individual process of self-knowledge and development of our potential, which includes a wide range of knowledge in integrative body therapy, gestalt, sexology and sexual psychopathology, massage, and creativity, somatic sexuality, knowledge of therapeutic practices in sexual diversity, characterology applied to sexuality and relationships, transpersonal psychology and spirituality.

Who the training is aimed at

The training is aimed at people interested in deepening their understanding of sexuality and its integration at a personal and/or professional level, especially in therapeutic work.


What is the objective of the FSI Training?

  1. Individual development as a sexual being, acquiring the ability to body awareness in its totality, beyond genitality.
  2. Broaden the binary view to an expansive and inclusive view of all diversities.
  3. Expanding the boundaries of pleasure transcending limiting beliefs, blockages, taboos.
  4. Recognise the erogenous body as a gateway to new experiences and knowledge of self and otherness.
  5. Acquire effective and assertive communication skills. for the use of a common and inclusive language that generates a safe, consensual, intimate, responsible space of trust, listening and openness based on the recognition of one's own and others' limits and desires in the context of sexuality.
  6. Understanding how sensory and bodily experiences vibrate deeply with the emotional, mental and spiritual
  7. Behold sexuality as a cross-cutting issue in life.
  8. Acknowledging the wounds, traumas and/or difficulties that keep pleasure away, bringing light and actualising our being.
  9. Recognise and manage emotions related to eroticism, sensuality, sexuality and love.
  10. To bond with the group and develop therapeutic skills, teamwork, empathy and respect.
  11. Create a space of trust and mutual support, to facilitate learning and exploring sexuality together.

Methodology FSI

The course focuses on the body, sensations and the knowledge of one's own sexuality as fundamental pathways to self-knowledge. The group approach emphasises the potential of human relationships, allowing each participant to address personal issues both collectively and individually.

We promote breathing, voice, movement, drama, meditation, contact and mindfulness. These activities will enable participants to broaden their understanding and awareness of their body and sexuality, as well as to improve their ability to communicate and relate to others in a safe and respectful context.

The work is carried out in experiential weekend workshops in groups, with online theory classes during the week, and with individual and therapeutic follow-up carried out by professionals in the field of sexuality.


Areas of work

1. Sexual body, anatomy

2. Characterology applied to sexuality

3. Intimacy, sensuality, eroticism and pleasure

4. Blockages, injuries and trauma

5. Breath, voice, movement.

6. Contact and attention to presence and mindfulness

7. Sexuality and spirituality

8. Sexual and gender diversity

9. Tools for sexuality therapy

10. Individual and group supervision

Full syllabus

  • I body
  • Therapeutic approach to sex-affective bonds
  • Constellations and sexuality
  • Integrative sexuality
  • Tactile contact
  • Sensuality, sexuality and transcendence
  • Diversity and Gender
  • Mapping
  • Shibari: Japanese art of bondage and suspension, a therapeutic approach
  • Spirituality and sexuality
  • Sexology of the margins
  • Monitoring
  • BDSM: a therapeutic approach
  • Theatrical dramatisation of sexuality

Residential FSI

The residential is an immersion that complements and deepens the work of self-knowledge about sexuality. These experiences offer an opportunity for deeper understanding and cultivate meaningful connections, enriching training in a holistic way, strengthening group cohesion and fostering personal development.

Residential 1 Accompanying Eros

Through body therapy we will review the ways in which the birth of my eroticism was interrupted.
We need a healthy accompaniment so that the possibility of opening myself to pleasure unfolds and that this leads to a satisfying experience of my eroticism, sensuality and sexuality in adult life.
In addition to awareness-raising, we will live experiences of reparation in order to be able to have the accompaniment I needed in relation to my pleasure.

  • Softening the muscular armour to open myself to sensitivity.
  • Unblocking so that I can open myself to pleasure in my whole body
  • Awareness of how the natural emergence of my eroticism was interrupted as the first step in my experience of sexuality.
  • Repairing the interruptions of my pleasure
  • Work on the split between the amorous and the sexual.

Residential 2 Tools for dealing with trauma and sexuality

We will work through body-emotional awareness. We will bring attention to the body and its sensations, to the heart and its emotions. With kindness, curiosity and presence, we will delve into the resources to alleviate the pain of trauma, and thus, be able to connect with joy, pleasure and happiness.

  • It will be a kind, loving and safe journey. Building trust to reduce words to silence and learn to connect with the inner language.
    We will leave the mind to feel, and in feeling, we will find the right answers for the present moment.
  • On a theoretical level we will discuss the Nervous System during a traumatic event and we will present some practical resources for Self-regulation and co-regulation: Unblocking the body and the heart and emotional management.

Residential 3 Final module and integration

In this last module, we will dedicate ourselves to closing the training with a special farewell dynamic. Each participant will have the opportunity to give the group a creative performance, whether through theatre, dance, audiovisual media, visual arts, poetry, or other forms of expression. This gift will be a manifestation of the journey and learning experienced during the course.

To conclude the body dynamics, we will focus on an awareness and relaxation exercise involving the anus and sphincters.

  • To facilitate a harmonious and meaningful closure of the body dynamics through an exercise of awareness and relaxation focused on the anal and sphincter area, thus promoting the integration of the experiences lived during the workshop.
  • To provide a farewell space in the last module of the training, where each participant can creatively express their learning and experiences through various artistic forms such as theatre, dance, audiovisual media, visual arts, poetry, among others, thus strengthening the sense of belonging and group connection.
  • To allow participants to give the group a creative performance that reflects their personal journey and the learning acquired during the course, encouraging individual expression and the building of emotional bonds between members.
  • Conduct an overall evaluation of the training at the end of the workshop, in order to gather feedback on positive aspects and areas for improvement, and thus ensure a continuous and enriching learning process for all participants.

Accompaniment in the FSI

Each promotion has a structure of personalised attention in the form of a tutor and tutoring assistants, who directly supervise the course members in terms of their needs and progress.

Around this training, Cercle Sexualitat also offers a whole range of associated activities in the form of internships, talks and other courses that are complementary to the training and help the participant to practice and acquire technical skills. Two prominent examples of these are: the supervision group and the practice group.

The importance of group work in the FSI

Our experience allows us to assure that group work is a basic pillar of sexuality training. The experiential, the lived experience in the work, is the best and most direct way to integrate the information that we transmit. In a group it is possible to recognise the other as someone different from me and as someone similar to me. During this training, deep bonds are established in the group.

At Cercle Sexualitat we attach great importance to the treatment, care and how we feel in the group, that is to say: the warmth of the atmosphere in which we work. In order to work on ourselves and others, it is essential to create a space of respect and trust.

Integrative Sexuality Training Team

Staffed by some of the foremost professionals and experts in the field of psychotherapy and sexuality, the teachers and collaborators of the FSI bring together a pool of specific knowledge, human talent and professional experience suited to the goal of enabling our students to make specific progress in body self-awareness, therapeutic process and clinical framing techniques.

Dr. Antoni Aguilar Chastellain
Director Cercle Sexualitat

Graduate in medicine and surgery. Gestalt and Integrative Body Therapist. Transpersonal Psychotherapist (Eurotas), Vipassana Meditation Instructor, Disciple and collaborator of Claudio Naranjo, SAT teacher. Founder and Director of the Transpersonal Integrative training endorsed by Claudio Naranjo and of the Integrative Sexuality training. Trained in Sexual Taoism by Master Juan Li. Trained in Somatic Sexuality.

Mario Sanchez
Pedagogical Director of Integrative Sexuality Training

Body Therapist, Pedagogical Director and teacher in Integrative Sexuality Training. Sex therapist, Postgraduate in "Shiatsu i Moviment" (Escola de Shiatsu i Moviment de Barcelona). Trained in Somatic Sexuality (Instituto Cuerpo y Sexualidad), Sexological Bodywork (Sexological Body Work España) and Sexual Tao and Ericksonian Hypnosis (Escuela Milton Erickson de Madrid). Clinical Hypnosis (Media Hypnosis Barcelona). Abhianga Yoga (Trainer and Therapist).

Teachers Training in Integrative Sexuality

Nuria Costa

Maria Saura

Catalina Lladó

Ignasi Puig

Sue Newsome

Claudia Kösler

Irene forza

Brigitte Martel

Eliana d'Alessandro

Rai Crespi

Arola Poch

Valérie Tasso

Sandra Bravo

Paula Alcaide

Sore Vega


Jaume Calafat

Raúl Andreu

Charo Ricart

Sonia Kalas

"Every muscular stiffness contains the history and meaning of its origin".

~Wilhelm Reich.

Diploma of Accreditation FSI

At the end of the training a diploma in Integrative Sexuality will be given to each student with the certificate of having studied at the Cercle de Conciència school.

Price and terms of payment

Full course fee: €3,740 €3,740 €3,740 | Tuition: €200

Price enquiry for Mallorca and Madrid


  20 % on the number plate: if it is made two months before the start of the course.

  5 % discount: on the price of the training course if paid as a one-off payment before the start of the course.

Other advantages:

  Payment in instalments: you can pay in instalments, with our own funding.

Agreements and Collaborations:

  CEESC: 15% on the annual price for members and friends of CEESC for Catalonia.

  CEESIB: 15% on the annual price for members and friends of CEESIB, for the Balearic Islands.

  Social Area: own aid programme to people with limited financial resources.

  Alumni Programme: €0 registration fee, for people who have completed other training courses in the last three years.

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