Breath and body work

Develop your inner potential.
Practices for self-knowledge and personal transformation, using breathing as a working tool. The body, as a biographical record of experiences, needs the release of tensions that we will facilitate in the different encounters. It is our own 'muscular armour' (character) and breathing patterns that limit and condition us. You will learn how to use breathing for emotional management and its importance for the brain.

Come and try a class and experience feelings of vitality and freedom!

The intention is that you can realise that you yourself can improve your health in different aspects: psychological, emotional, physical and energetic. At the end of each meeting, you will perceive this clearly. You will learn the proper way to breathe according to Breathing Psychotherapy, as well as techniques and practices to alleviate anxiety and different fears. You will improve your mood and energy, increase sensitivity and contact with your body and your real needs. You will acquire a greater capacity to live in the present, with less inner conflict and a better relationship with yourself, with others and with life.

Taught by:

🗣 Guillermo Mazariegos. Integrative Body Therapist, Gestalt Therapist, Respiratory Psychotherapy, Psychomorphology (body intervention), Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme. Psychocorporal Postgraduate with Cherif Chalakani.
🗣 Raquel González. Integrative Body Therapist, Gestalt Therapist, Respiratory Psychotherapy, Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme. Psychocorporal Postgraduate with Cherif Chalakani

📅Dates available:
Thursdays weekly from 19:00 to 21:00h.
October: 03, 10, 17, 24, 31
November: 07, 14


👉 More information and registration:
Place: Cercle Gestalt
Price: 200€ (180€ in advance until 30/09/24)

More information and registration:
Guillermo 625 75 94 25


Oct 24 2024


19:00 - 21:00




Regular workshop


Cercle Gestalt Barcelona
Cercle Gestalt Barcelona
Carrer de Pau Alsina, 16, Gracia Barcelona


  • Guillermo Mazariegos
    Guillermo Mazariegos

    Integrative Body Therapist, Gestalt Therapist, Respiratory Psychotherapy, Psychomorphology (body intervention), Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme. Psychocorporal Postgraduate with Cherif Chalakani.

  • Raquel Gonzalez
    Raquel Gonzalez

    Integrative Body Therapist, Gestalt Therapist, Respiratory Psychotherapy, Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT programme. Psychocorporal Postgraduate with Cherif Chalakani

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